More Unbelieving Believers (John 8:30-31)
John says that some of the Pharisees in John 8 "believed." What kind of belief was this? What can we learn from this? An exposition of John 8:30-31.
Humility Of The I AM, Part 2 (John 8:25-29)
Jesus describes His relationship to the Father in terms of a Submissive Son and an Obedient Servant. An exposition of John 8:25-29.
Humility Of The I AM, Part 1 (John 8:25-29)
Jesus describes His relationship to the Father (John 8:25-29) in four ways that describe both His deity and humanity.
Believing In The I AM (John 8:24)
Jesus takes the name of God from Exodus 3:14 and applies it to Himself! A look at the 5 Absolute I AM Statements of Jesus in John's Gospel (John 8:24 and selected Scriptures).
Worldly And Unbelieving Men (John 8:22-24)
The Jews blasphemously respond to Jesus' assertion that they would not be able to follow Him. Jesus explains why they are excluded from the presence of God and unable to follow Him. An exposition of John 8:22-24.
The Darkness Of Dying In Sin (John 8:19-21)
Jesus lovingly warns the Pharisees of the fact that they will die in their sin. An exposition of John 8:19-21.
Is Jesus A Reliable Witness? (John 8:13-18)
The Jews question the validity of Jesus' self testimony. An exposition of John 8:13-18.
The Light Of The World (John 8:12)
The second of 7 "I AM" statements from Jesus. Jesus declares Himself to be the Light of the World.
Introducing John 8 (John 8:12-59)
An overview of the 8th chapter in John's gospel.
Trapping Jesus (John 7:53-8:11)
The Pharisees set a trap and use a woman as their ploy. An exposition of John 8:1-11.
Jim Osman
Jim Osman was born in May of 1972 and has lived in Sandpoint since he was three. He achieved his life’s ambition by graduating from Sandpoint High School in 1990. Jim came to know Christ through the ministry of Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp. Kootenai Community Church has always been his home church, attending Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Youth Group.
After graduating from High School, he attended Millar College of the Bible in Pambrun, Saskatchewan. It was at Bible College that Jim met his wife-to-be, Diedre, who was also enrolled as a student. Jim graduated with a three-year diploma in April 1993 and married Diedre in August of that same year. He returned to Millar to further his education in September 1994 and graduated from the Fourth Year Internship Program with a Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Ministries in April 1995.
Jim and Diedre returned to Sandpoint, where Jim began working in construction and as a Roofing Materials Application Specialist (roofer) until he was asked to take over as the Preaching Elder of Kootenai Community Church in December 1996. Now, he counts it as his greatest privilege to be involved in ministering in the Church that has ministered to him for so many years. It has been a great adventure!
Jim is the author of Truth or Territory: A Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare, Selling the Stairway to Heaven, The Prosperity of the Wicked: A Study of Psalm 73, God Doesn’t Whisper, and his latest book, God Doesn’t Try, which he co-wrote with co-elder Dave Rich. Jim and Diedre have four children: Taryn, Shepley, Ayden, and Liam.