James: Christianity in Blue Jeans

Written by the half-brother of Jesus, the book of James has been described as “Christianity in blue jeans.” Right theology must lead to right living. Otherwise, it is worthless. James gives us theology applied.

This series of messages is a verse-by-verse exposition of the book of James by Justin Peters, of Justin Peters Ministries. These messages were preached during our Sunday Morning Worship Service. Click here for more teaching by Justin Peters.

Blessings, Trials, and Crowns (James 1:12)

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This verse marks James’ conclusion of his treatment of trials. Trials in this life are tests of our faith but God sustains us through them. Genuine believers will persevere through these trials and as a reward, God will grant us the crown which is eternal life with Jesus Christ. An exposition of James 1:12.

Justin Peters

Justin Peters


Justin Peters was born and reared in Vicksburg, Mississippi. He graduated from Mississippi State University in 1995 and then earned two degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2000 and 2002. It was not until he was a preacher, though, that God brought him to genuine faith in Christ.

Though his first commitment is to expository preaching (verse by verse expounding of the biblical text), he is most known for his seminar entitled Clouds Without Water which is a biblical critique of the Word-Faith movement. As a full-time evangelist, Justin has preached in churches and seminaries in 42 states and 23 countries. In addition to his preaching ministry, Justin hosts a daily radio program and is the author of Do Not Hinder Them: A Biblical Examination of Childhood Conversion.

Justin married his wife, Kathy, in 2010 and they along with their little dog, Mia, make their home near Sandpoint, Idaho. More information about Justin, the ministry to which God has entrusted him, and contact information may be found on his website.

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