Kootenai Communicator Archives
These articles were originally published in the Kootenai Communicator and were written by Jim Osman unless otherwise noted.
Current Article: Heaven Is For Real: A Critical Theological Review
Annual Book Review
Each year in May Jim Osman offers a brief review of most if not all the books he has read for pleasure and recreation in the previous 12 months. If you are looking for some good books and want to stay away from those that will be a waste of time, check out these annual recommendations.
Articles published at in November to reflect upon the theology and practice of Thanksgiving.
Articles dealing with the theology and history of the Reformation.
Articles dealing with current events, political issues, or trends in society.
Openness Theology
Does God know the future? Not according to “theologians” Greg Boyd, John Sanders, Clark Pinnock and others who unashamedly refer to themselves as Openness Theologians. These men teach a heretical view of God that bears no resemblance to the God revealed in the Bible. We will examine the many problems of Open Theism and its bold faced attack on the Christian Faith and the God of the Bible.
A Collection of articles on the subject of preaching, including a four part series calling the church back to expository preaching.
Articles published at Christmas every year highlighting some element of the celebration of the birth of Christ, or some element of His Person and work.
Spiritual Warfare
This is a three part series on the doctrine of Resurrection. Part 1 discusses the subject of the Resurrection of the Just. Part 2 shows that even the wicked get a body fit for eternal destruction at the Resurrection of the Unjust. In Part 3 we see that God’s plan is to resurrect not only our bodies, but also this entire creation resulting in a new Heavens and a New earth.
Various articles on a variety of topics – theological, cultural, political and personal.
Random Thoughts
A series of articles published sporadically containing observations and ruminations on different and diverse subjects.