Faith and Believing: A Short Examination of Ephesians 2:8-9
What is God's gift as referenced in Ephesians 2:8-9? Grace, Faith, or both? | Download lesson notes.
Calvinism vs. Arminianism, Part 3
J.I. Packer in contrasting these two systems of theology is certainly correct in asserting; “one makes salvation dependent on the work of God, the other on the work of man.” | Download lesson notes.
Calvinism vs. Arminianism, Part 2
J.I. Packer in contrasting these two systems of theology is certainly correct in asserting; “one makes salvation dependent on the work of God, the other on the work of man.” | Download lesson notes.
Calvinism vs. Arminianism, Part 1
J.I. Packer in contrasting these two systems of theology is certainly correct in asserting; “one makes salvation dependent on the work of God, the other on the work of man.” | Download lesson notes.
God’s Eternal Word and Plan (Selected Scriptures)
The Scriptures teach, that God’s providential control extends to all events, even the most minute; thereby, the Scriptures also teach that God’s plan is equally comprehensive. | Download lesson notes.
The Doctrine of Sanctification (Selected Scriptures)
The dominant idea of “sanctification” is separation from sin and the unredeemed world, and the setting apart for a sacred purpose by someone else. Thus, only those “in Christ” that are regenerated and born again are “sanctified.” | Download lesson notes.
The Doctrine of Total Depravity (Selected Scriptures)
Charles Spurgeon, in his sermon titled Human Inability said this: “Through the fall, and through our own sin, the nature of man has become so debased, so depraved, and corrupt, that it is impossible for him to come to Christ without the assistance of the Holy...

Bryan Wood
Bryan Wood was born and raised in the late 50’s in Southern California. He married his high school sweetheart Lori, where they continued to reside in Bryan’s home town of Tustin. Bryan was a luxury home builder for twenty years, following behind a long line of builders / developers. The Wood couple have been blessed with three wonderful daughters; Courtney, Callie, and Camarin, and there one son-in-law Dane. Like Bryan and Lori, all the kids have embraced Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
But, it wasn’t until 1992, that the Woods came to faith under the tutelage of pastor / teacher David Hocking, at Calvary Church, Santa Ana, CA. Shortly thereafter, in July of 1996 that the Wood Family made a major change in their lives, moving to Sandpoint, Idaho. Though the geographical landscape changed dramatically, Bryan continued building luxury homes, but this time down on Lake Coeur d’ alene.
In 2004, while attending CDA Bible Church and teaching Sunday School, Bryan was called to fill the pulpit at Harrison Baptist Church, in Harrison, ID. It was here that his pulpit supply ministry was established and took off. Like the great men of God that raised him in his faith, Bryan had developed to be a Bible expositor himself.
In 2007, still building and expositing God’s Word from the pulpit on Sunday, Bryan had the opportunity to attend Rocky Mountain Bible Mission’s courses in Biblical Studies. After three years of thorough study, Bryan earned an associate certificate in O.T. and N.T. Biblical Studies.
His pulpit ministry has taken him far and wide, into eastern Washington, the panhandle of Idaho, and South-Eastern and Western Montana. In 2013 – 2018, after surviving cancer, Bryan pastored the Evangelical Church of Sandpoint. And now, while still residing in Sandpoint, ID., Bryan and Lori call Kootenai Community Church home.