Using Scripture, and Scripture alone, Pastor Jim Osman shows that true spiritual warfare is not a battle over territory, but a battle for the truth. The book is divided into four sections: Establishing Biblical Principles, Exposing Unbiblical Practices, Explaining Biblical Perspectives and Examining a Biblical Passage. A biblical approach to spiritual warfare recognizes the Bible as the sole authority, rejects unbiblical and man-made methods, and rests in Christ and His finished work for victory. 

Pastor Osman answers from Scripture the questions: Can a Christian be demon-possessed? Is Christ’s authority ours? and, What about exorcisms? One chapter includes a helpful discussion of the link between spiritual warfare and a believer’s sanctification.

Below are a series of videos regarding Spiritual Warfare done by Justin Peters and Jim Osman. We encourage you to share this resource to anyone that might find it helpful.

Truth Or Territory

Available in Kindle or Paperback format on Amazon.

Spiritual Warfare and the Sufficiency of Scripture (Show 1)

Spiritual Warfare: Truth or Territory (Show 2)

Spiritual Warfare: Carnal Weapons — Hedges and Hexes (Show 3)

Spiritual Warfare: Carnal Weapons — Binding and Rebuking (Show 4)

Spiritual Warfare: Carnal Weapons — Spiritual Mapping (Show 5)

Spiritual Warfare: Demon Possession and Sanctification (Show 6)

Spiritual Warfare: Authority & Exorcisms (Show 7)

Armor Of God: Spiritual Warfare Eph. 6 (Show 8)