Paul closes his first letter to Timothy with a passionate plea to guard the sacred gospel which has been entrusted to him. Timothy, and the church today, will be able to accomplish this charge by avoiding false teaching and relying totally on the ever-present and...
To balance out his sharp indictment of false teachers and their lust for riches, Paul shifts his focus to the wealthy Christians of Ephesus. Rich believers should not hope in uncertain riches, but on God who richly gives us all things and enables us to be rich in good...
In order to combat the heresy being spread in Ephesus Paul exhorts Timothy to engage the false teachers using God’s rules of spiritual warfare. The method is as important as the message if Timothy and we are to keep an unstained testimony and bring glory to God...
False teachers and their toxic doctrines have always been a danger to the spiritual health of the church. In this passage, Paul exhorts Timothy to diagnose and confront anyone in the Ephesian church spreading unhealthy teaching so the Christians there will not be...
When Christians serve others in any capacity we are to do it as unto the Lord. The slaves who were members of the church at Ephesus were to honor their masters in this way and to do it to the glory of God. An exposition of 1 Timothy 6:1-2. | Download Workbook