The Triumphal Entry was an event of such rich theological significance that it is recorded in all four gospels. Here is a look a the anticipation, actions, and accolades of the crowd. An exposition of John 12:12-15.
Transitioning between the anointing for Jesus for burial and His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, John tells us about a shallow crowd and the scheming religious leaders. An introduction to the Triumphal Entry. An exposition of John 12:9-11.
After Mary anointed Jesus with an expensive perfume, Judas spoke up on behalf of those who objected to her lavish sacrifice. In this message we take a look at the lessons we learn about covetousness from Judas. An exposition of John 12:1-11.
When Jesus arrived in Bethany near Jerusalem to celebrate His final Passover, Mary anointed Him with an expensive perfume. In this message we take a look at the way in which the gospel writers each record this event. An exposition of John 12:1-11.
Jesus the Sovereign King is in charge of all the details of His death. All the pieces begin to come together for the death of the Son of God. An exposition of John 11:54-57.