? The proper response to the glorious gospel. The purpose of Christ’s incarnation and Paul’s deep gratitude for God’s overflowing and powerful saving grace. An exposition of 1 Timothy 1:12-17. | Download Workbook
Jeff Miller is teaching a mini-series during our Sunday School hour, titled The Church: God’s Divine Construction Project. This is the second of four weeks, and this week Jeff covers The Master Builder’s Proclamation and The Master Builder’s...
Here in this passage, Paul continues to defend the fact that God called him to be an Apostle, chosen to represent Jesus Christ. The main theme of this passage is that God was being glorified through Paul’s life. An exposition of Galatians 1:15-23.
In this passage, Paul defended his message as not coming from man but instead coming from direct revelation of Jesus Christ, and he also defended his apostleship as being chosen by God. An exposition of Galatians 1:11-16.