We will get a grip on what the sufficiency of Scripture means, in itself, and what it means to us as believers, in personal application. | Download worksheet
A discussion about Cessationism and Continuationism. Some of the questions include: How does one stratify error in categories, like nonessential and secondary? Isn’t all error an essential issue? What is the difference or distinction between hearing the voice of God...
Is the cessation/continuation theology merely an academic exercise? What are the real-world implications of the issues we have discussed? How does continuationist theology affect my view of Scripture? Continuationism undermines the authority of Scripture, the...
Basic to the spiritual health and success of the church is the Word of God. In this passage, Paul exhorts Timothy to keep that priority in his ministry at Ephesus. An exposition of 1 Timothy 4:11-16. | Download Workbook