The New Covenant provides forgiveness of sins. If forgiveness is available through the one sacrifice of Christ, that necessarily means there are no more sacrifices for sins. An exposition of Hebrews 10:15-18.
Hebrews 10 quotes a psalm of David. We look at that Psalm, the abuse of the sacrificial system, and the Old Testament expectation that the sacrifices would eventually come to an end. An exposition of Hebrews 10 and Psalm 40.
The law was unable to accomplish the redemption of God’s people because the sacrifices detailed in the law were only a shadow of the sacrifice to come. An exposition of Hebrews 10:1.
The five qualities of Christ’s work make it superior to the blood of bulls and ashes of a heifer. It was a Trinitarian sacrifice, a voluntary sacrifice, a blameless sacrifice, an effective sacrifice, and a fruitful sacrifice. And exposition of Hebrews 9:13-14.