As Jesus taught on the necessity of His death, He spoke of two things that would come out of His death – the glory of God and victory over the enemy. An exposition of John 12:30-33.
As Jesus taught on the necessity of His death, He spoke of two things that would come out of His death – the glory of God and victory over the enemy. An exposition of John 12:27-29.
In response to the request of the Greeks to see Jesus, He begins to speak on the necessity of His death and the demands of the gospel on those who would own Him as Lord. An exposition of John 12:23-26.
We take a look at four groups of people and their reaction to the the Triumphal Entry. One of those is a group of Greeks that comes to Philip seeking an opportunity to meet with Jesus. This is the third event recorded in John 12. An exposition of John 12:16-22.