In order to combat the heresy being spread in Ephesus Paul exhorts Timothy to engage the false teachers using God’s rules of spiritual warfare. The method is as important as the message if Timothy and we are to keep an unstained testimony and bring glory to God...
False teachers and their toxic doctrines have always been a danger to the spiritual health of the church. In this passage, Paul exhorts Timothy to diagnose and confront anyone in the Ephesian church spreading unhealthy teaching so the Christians there will not be...
A response to false teachers of the law. Paul affirms the goodness of the law and the purposes for which God gave it. An exposition of 1 Timothy 1:8-11. | Download Workbook
The problem at Ephesus with false teaching and false teachers. Paul exposes the false teachers and their doctrine. An exposition of 1 Timothy 1:3-7. | Download Workbook