The promise of God’s faithful and unending presence is the basis for our contentment. If God has promised to never leave or forsake us, we can rest in that provision and fight the covetousness that unsettles our souls. An exposition of Hebrews 13:5-6. Sermon...
The distinction between the baptism of the Holy Spirit and being filled with the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a unique event associated with the birth of the church, characterized by the filling of the Holy Spirit and the speaking of tongues, and it...
We are called to consider the example of Jesus in His suffering. We see in Him One Who endured greater suffering and injustice than us. He has received the reward. We must set our minds upon the reward that is to come for our suffering. Those who bear the reproach of...
Jesus endured the reproach of sinners while looking to the exaltation that was to follow His suffering. In that way, He is an example of faith for us. We are called to follow the same example, embracing faith’s reproach so that we might receive faith’s...