Christ empowers sanctification through His perfect humanity, as explored in Hebrews 2:5-18. Simon Pranaitis examines four powerful incentives for believers to persist in their spiritual growth: Christ’s redemption of our right to rule, His suffering for our...
Jim Osman explores Psalm 2:1-3, examining the futile rebellion against God’s authority. He highlights the raging, defiant, and lawless nature of this cosmic mutiny against the Lord and His anointed. Osman contrasts this rebellion with the blessed man of Psalm 1,...
Simon Pranaitis explores ten compelling reasons for studying Jesus’s humanity. He emphasizes how this study glorifies Christ, deepens our relationships with the Trinity, strengthens church unity, and enhances our spiritual growth. Pranaitis highlights that...
Gordie Hunt explores the profound concept of being crucified with Christ from Galatians 2:20. He delves into how believers are crucified with Christ, dying to sin and self, yet alive in Christ. This paradoxical truth forms the foundation for living by faith, no longer...
Jim Osman examines Psalm 1:5-6, revealing the contrasting destinies of the righteous and wicked. The wicked will perish while the blessed man is preserved and prospered eternally. Osman emphasizes that true righteousness stems from faith in Christ, not mere...