In Ordered Steps and Opened Hearts (Psalm 37:16-26), Jim Osman expounds on how God establishes the steps of the righteous and provides for them, even in difficult times. Drawing from biblical examples, Osman highlights how God’s sovereignty ensures that the steps of...
Avoid fretting trust God emerged as the central theme of this profound examination of Psalm 37:1-3. The passage addresses believers’ natural tendency to fret over the prosperity of evildoers. Instead of anger or envy, Scripture commands trust in God’s...
David crafts an acrostic psalm in this masterful composition that reveals profound wisdom through its carefully designed structure. Understanding Psalm 37’s structure helps us grasp its literary beauty and spiritual depth. Through its proverbial style and...
Growing in wise obedience characterized Jesus’ authentic human development. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus grew steadily in wisdom and stature, demonstrating how spiritual maturity requires consistent progress. His journey from childhood to...
David Forsyth explores James 5:7-12, emphasizing the importance of living in light of Christ’s second coming. He highlights three essential behaviors: living patiently, speaking rightly, and thinking theologically. Forsyth explains how the imminent return of...