In Introduction to the Parables (Matthew 13:10-17), David Henke explains the purpose of parables and why Jesus shifted to using them in His teaching. Contrary to popular belief, parables were not meant to simplify the message but to reveal truth to believers while...
Questions and Answers Did the prophecy concerning Damascus in Isaiah 17 happen in Sennacherib’s time or is there something yet future? Question about Zipporah being upset with Moses about circumcision and casting bloody foreskins at his feet (Exodus 4:25) Over...
Jim Osman explores Psalm 2:1-3, examining the futile rebellion against God’s authority. He highlights the raging, defiant, and lawless nature of this cosmic mutiny against the Lord and His anointed. Osman contrasts this rebellion with the blessed man of Psalm 1,...
Simon Pranaitis explores ten compelling reasons for studying Jesus’s humanity. He emphasizes how this study glorifies Christ, deepens our relationships with the Trinity, strengthens church unity, and enhances our spiritual growth. Pranaitis highlights that...
David Forsyth explores why prayer is the key in James 5:13-20. He examines three prayerful responses Christians should have when facing difficulties: personal prayer in suffering and joy, pastoral prayer for the sick, and pursuing prayer for those straying from truth....