The Disdain and Decadence of Apostates, Part 2 (Hebrews 12:16-17; Genesis)
We are given an example of the heart of apostasy in the Old Testament character Esau. We observe his carnality, his contempt, and his consequences from the Old Testament narrative. They serve as a warning to us. An exposition of Hebrews 12:16-17 and selected passages...
Christ: The Sovereign Savior of the Sheep (John 6, 10, 17)
A survey of John’s Gospel, and its teachings regarding God's election, and the security of His elect. An exposition of John 6, 10, 17.
The Disdain and Decadence of Apostates, Part 1 (Hebrews 12:16-17; Selected Scriptures)
We are given an example of the heart of apostasy in the Old Testament character Esau. We observe his carnality, his contempt, and his consequences from the Old Testament narrative. They serve as a warning to us. An exposition of Hebrews 12:16-17. Sermon Transcript...
The Danger and Defilement of Apostates (Hebrews 12:15)
We are commanded to look out for any in our midst who might come short of God’s grace. The author defines the essence of apostasy, describes the effect of apostasy, and provides an example of apostasy. An exposition of Hebrews 12:15. Sermon Transcript Download PDF...
The Passionate Pursuit of Holiness (Hebrews 12:14)
Hebrews warns us that "without holiness, no one will see the Lord." Holiness prepares us to see God. We look at three different aspects of sanctification and how they relate to each other. We see that our salvation empowers us to pursue holiness that we may share in...
The Passionate Pursuit of Peace (Hebrews 12:14)
Lest we miss the blessings of discipline, we are commanded to pursue peace with all men and holiness before God. In this sermon, we will look at the first object of our pursuit, peace. We are to be at peace with believers and unbelievers and this should characterize...
Running on Straight Paths (Hebrews 12:12-13)
We are exhorted to strengthen our weaknesses and straighten our ways. By this, we will make good use of God's discipline in our lives. The weak need to be strengthened (12:12) and our ways need to be made clear (12:13) so that we may run our race with endurance. An...
A Prescription for Spiritual Weakness (Hebrews 12:12-13)
God's discipline sometimes comes to people who are spiritually weak and frail. That is an opportunity for other believers to encourage them in their Christian race. Returning to the athletic metaphor of 12:1-3, the author gives some helpful counsel for those who are...
The Peaceful Product of God’s Discipline, Part 2 (Hebrews 12:11)
By faith, we look past the pain of discipline at the moment to the product of discipline in our lives. God is producing in us the "peaceful fruit of righteousness." An exposition of Hebrews 12:11. Sermon Transcript Download PDF The book of Hebrews chapter 12. And...
The Peaceful Product of God’s Discipline, Part 1 (Hebrews 12:11)
By faith, we look past the pain of discipline at the moment to the product of discipline in our lives. God is producing in us the "peaceful fruit of righteousness." An exposition of Hebrews 12:11. Sermon Transcript Download PDF Hebrews chapter 12. Today, we are back...

Jim Osman
Jim Osman was born in May of 1972 and has lived in Sandpoint since he was three. He achieved his life’s ambition by graduating from Sandpoint High School in 1990. Jim came to know Christ through the ministry of Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp. Kootenai Community Church has always been his home church, attending Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Youth Group.
After graduating from High School, he attended Millar College of the Bible in Pambrun, Saskatchewan. It was at Bible College that Jim met his wife-to-be, Diedre, who was also enrolled as a student. Jim graduated with a three-year diploma in April 1993 and married Diedre in August of that same year. He returned to Millar to further his education in September 1994 and graduated from the Fourth Year Internship Program with a Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Ministries in April 1995.
Jim and Diedre returned to Sandpoint, where Jim began working in construction and as a Roofing Materials Application Specialist (roofer) until he was asked to take over as the Preaching Elder of Kootenai Community Church in December 1996. Now, he counts it as his greatest privilege to be involved in ministering in the Church that has ministered to him for so many years. It has been a great adventure!
Jim is the author of Truth or Territory: A Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare, Selling the Stairway to Heaven, The Prosperity of the Wicked: A Study of Psalm 73, God Doesn’t Whisper, and his latest book, God Doesn’t Try, which he co-wrote with co-elder Dave Rich. Jim and Diedre have four children: Taryn, Shepley, Ayden, and Liam.