Question & Answer

This series of messages is a collection of questions and answers from the members of Kootenai Church and answered by Jim Osman, a pastor at Kootenai Community Church.

Q&A with Pastor/Elder Jim Osman – November 12, 2011

Who is John referring to when he speaks of “Jews” in the Gospel of John? How should we apply Romans 14? Are some things sin for some people and not for others? How do we deal with/confront someone who we think is sinning? How can we know if it is sin, or just a conscience issue? How can we confront a brother if we have sin in our own lives? What about paying taxes to a wicked government that uses those taxes to fund abortion?

Q&A with Pastor/Elder Jim Osman – January 16, 2011

What about demon possession? Should we perform exorcisms today? How do we prove that it is not God’s will to heal everyone? What about the recent senseless killings; could it be due to demonic possession? What is the practice of anointing with oil described in James 5?What was the purpose of signs and wonders? Who performed signs and wonders in the New Testament? What is the difference between a miracle and divine providence?

Q&A with Pastor/Elder Jim Osman – August 30, 2009

When sharing the gospel with a Mormon, should you begin with Galatians 1? Does Scripture teach that God always heals Christians? How do you comfort someone whose loved one is ill? Is laying on of hands essential for effective prayer? Why do we think that sign gifts are no longer needed and operating in the church? Does the doctrine of “hearing from God” denigrate Bible study? What should our attitude be in discussing these things with the brethren? Does the Bible need to be authenticated today? What is the relationship between miracles and providence? Psalm 86:8 – why is “Works” capitalized in my NKJV?

Q&A with Pastor/Elder Jim Osman – April 19, 2009

An example of “Evangelical Silliness” and its effects on the church. What is “hyper-dispensationalism?” Why didn’t God perform signs in Sodom to secure their repentance if they would have repented at such signs? What does “dispensationalism” have to do with “cessationism?” How does dispensationalism affect your eschatology?

Q&A with Pastor/Elder Jim Osman – March 29, 2009

How did the Apostles recognizer the tongues in Acts 10 and 19 were genuine languages?
How do you defend the position that tongues have ceased? What is the purpose of tongues? Were tongues intended to be a prayer language? As per Matthew 7 and 1 Corinthians 5, are we supposed to judge? Who do we pray to: the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit?

Jim Osman

Jim Osman


Jim Osman was born in May of 1972 and has lived in Sandpoint since he was three. He achieved his life’s ambition by graduating from Sandpoint High School in 1990. Jim came to know Christ through the ministry of Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp. Kootenai Community Church has always been his home church, attending Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Youth Group.

After graduating from High School, he attended Millar College of the Bible in Pambrun, Saskatchewan. It was at Bible College that Jim met his wife-to-be, Diedre, who was also enrolled as a student. Jim graduated with a three-year diploma in April 1993 and married Diedre in August of that same year. He returned to Millar to further his education in September 1994 and graduated from the Fourth Year Internship Program with a Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Ministries in April 1995.

Jim and Diedre returned to Sandpoint, where Jim began working in construction and as a Roofing Materials Application Specialist (roofer) until he was asked to take over as the Preaching Elder of Kootenai Community Church in December 1996. Now, he counts it as his greatest privilege to be involved in ministering in the Church that has ministered to him for so many years. It has been a great adventure!

Jim is the author of Truth or Territory: A Biblical Approach to Spiritual WarfareSelling the Stairway to Heaven, The Prosperity of the Wicked: A Study of Psalm 73, God Doesn’t Whisper, and his latest book, God Doesn’t Try, which he co-wrote with co-elder Dave RichJim and Diedre have four children: Taryn, Shepley, Ayden, and Liam.

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