Welcome to Kootenai Church

Kootenai Community Church exists to glorify God by the Exposition of the Scriptures, the Exhortation of the Saints and the Exaltation of the Savior.

Current Sermon Series

This series by Pastor Jim Osman examines selected Psalms, particularly imprecatory ones, exploring their theological significance and themes such as the contrast between the righteous and wicked. Listen now.

Subscribe to our Podcasts

You can find our podcasts on iTunes, Google Play Music, Blubrry, Sitcher Radio, and TuneIn Radio. Subscribe now and choose from our Sunday School podcast, our weekly sermon podcast, and much more!

Books by Jim Osman

Pastor Jim Osman has written five books, Truth or Territory, Selling the Stairway to Heaven, The Prosperity of the Wicked, God Doesn’t Whisper, and most recently, God Doesn’t Try, with co-author/elder Dave Rich. Some of these titles are also available in Spanish and audiobook format and are available on Amazon.


PLAYBACK - 2023 Women's Conference with Lisa Hughes

Have you ever heard of muscle memory? When your muscles are untrained or don’t know how to respond or do something, the idea is that you practice the movement or response so much that it becomes second nature. The same is true for us spiritually.

Click the image above to listen to the conference audio/video playback. 


PLAYBACK - 2023 Equipping Conference with Costi Hinn

We all know someone trapped in theological error. The Word of Faith Movement that preaches the prosperity gospel of greed is the fastest-growing error among professing believers in the church. It is the predominant strain of “Christianity” overseas and the face of American Christianity presented on television and radio.Click the image above to listen to the conference audio/video playback. 

Watch our broadcast LIVE Sunday Mornings at 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.

Join Adventure Club!

Adventure Club is a program designed to teach systematic theology to kids. The 2021 Club year is all about "Man, Sin, and Salvation."  Trackers is for kids ages 3-5, Scouts for grades 1-3, and Trailblazers are for kids grades 4-6. We kick off Adventure Club with five...

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Corporate Worship Resumes Sunday, May 3, 2020

As we announced last Sunday, we will be resuming our worship services this coming Sunday, May 3. With everything opening back up, and with us resuming normal operations, there are quite a few details that need to be announced. Please read all of the following closely....

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Kootenai Church COVID-19 Response

Dear Kootenai Church Family, As you have been watching events in this world unfold around the COVID-19 virus, you have probably been expecting the elders at Kootenai to make some tough decisions. We have had to do that very thing in the last couple of days. Here is...

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Broken Bows and Slaying Swords, Pt. 1 (Psalm 37:12-15)

A righteous versus wicked conflict permeates Scripture from Genesis to modern times. Through Psalm 37, we see how the wicked plot against...

Q&A with Pastor/Elder Jim Osman – January 5, 2025

Questions and Answers Did the prophecy concerning Damascus in Isaiah 17 happen in Sennacherib's time or is there something yet future?...