PLAYBACK - 2023 Women's Conference with Lisa Hughes
Click the image above to listen to the conference audio/video playback.
PLAYBACK - 2023 Equipping Conference with Costi Hinn
We all know someone trapped in theological error. The Word of Faith Movement that preaches the prosperity gospel of greed is the fastest-growing error among professing believers in the church. It is the predominant strain of “Christianity” overseas and the face of American Christianity presented on television and radio.Click the image above to listen to the conference audio/video playback.
Watch our broadcast LIVE Sunday Mornings at 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young – A Critical Review
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young (Thomas Nelson Publishers) is not a new book. It was first published in 2004 and only recently became a publishing juggernaut. In 2013 Jesus Calling was the seventh best-selling book in America. 1 Overall, it has sold more than ten million...
Kootenai Church Facility Tour Spring 2017
Here's a quick walk-through of our new facility for those who are not close enough to come and take a tour.
Proof Of Heaven by Eben Alexander – A Critical Review
If sales figures are any indication, Christians have been eager to purchase and promote the reports of those who claim to have been to Heaven and returned to tell us about it. 90 Minutes In Heaven and Heaven Is For Real have proven to be wildly popular in Christian...