As we announced last Sunday, we will be resuming our worship services this coming Sunday, May 3. With everything opening back up, and with us resuming normal operations, there are quite a few details that need to be announced. Please read all of the following closely.

Sunday School
There will be no Sunday School this Sunday for either adults or children. Our normal worship service will begin at 10:45 a.m. Next Sunday, May 10, we are having a belated Resurrection Breakfast. We are planning to resume Sunday School for all ages on May 17 at their normal times.

Resurrection Breakfast
Since we were not able to enjoy this fellowship time on Resurrection Day, we’re going to have a Belated Resurrection Breakfast at the church on May 10 (8:30-9:45 a.m.). We will enjoy ham, eggs, and pancakes. If you would like to contribute to that to help serve or purchase food, please contact Thomas Leo. This Sunday, I will ask for a show of hands of folks who intend to come to breakfast. We will need that information in order to appropriately plan food.

Communion Sunday
We do plan to celebrate communion this Sunday. In light of the concern over Covid-19, we will not be passing the communion trays. Instead, we will have the elements on tables at the back of the sanctuary on napkins. At the end of the service, prior to our prayer of confession, you will be able to get up and go to the back and get the elements of communion.

Normal Worship Services
Since we are returning to normal worship services, we should all be aware that there may be people who do not come back to worship services immediately out of concern over either catching or spreading Covid-19. Others may not want to shake hands or hug. All of that is understandable and completely acceptable. Please be mindful and respectful of other people’s preferences. Because we have all heard over and over the “rules” regarding the virus, we will not be beating that dead drum. Everyone will be responsible for his or her own safety and level of comfort. The church staff will be ensuring things are sanitized and made as safe as possible for everyone in the building.