Adult Sunday School
This series of messages are those taught at our Sunday School class by Pastors/Elders Jim Osman, Jess Whetsel, Dave Rich, and Cornel Rasor. These messages are not part of any particular series as already given on our website.
Lesson 6: The Bible’s Beginnings, Part 2
A look at the form of early writings. A brief introduction to three major Bible manuscripts.
Lesson 6: The Bible’s Beginnings, Part 1
A look at early writing technologies and the forms of ancient manuscripts.
Lesson 5: One Bible, Two Covenants
A look at how our modern Bibles are arranged and why they take the form they do. | Download Sermon Notes
The Church: God’s Divine Construction Project, Part 4 (Romans 12:3-10; Acts 10:34-43)
Jeff Miller is teaching a mini-series during our Sunday School hour, titled The Church: God’s Divine Construction Project. This is the fourth and final message of this series, and this week, Jeff covers The Master Builder’s Purposes: Fellowship & Witness. An...
The Church: God’s Divine Construction Project, Part 3 (Romans 11:33-12:2)
Jeff Miller is teaching a mini-series during our Sunday School hour, titled The Church: God's Divine Construction Project. This is the third of four weeks, and this week Jeff covers The Master Builder's Purposes: Worship and Transformation. An exposition of Romans...
The Church: God’s Divine Construction Project, Part 2 (The Book of Acts)
Jeff Miller is teaching a mini-series during our Sunday School hour, titled The Church: God's Divine Construction Project. This is the second of four weeks, and this week Jeff covers The Master Builder's Proclamation and The Master Builder's Progress. An overview of...
The Church: God’s Divine Construction Project, Part 1 (Matthew 16:1-20; 28:19-20)
For the next 4 weeks, Jeff Miller is teaching a mini-series during our Sunday School hour, titled The Church: God's Divine Construction Project. This week Jeff covers The Master Builder's Plan and The Master Builder's People. An exposition of Matthew 16:1-20;...
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