1 Samuel:
1 Samuel ushers in the monarchy as Samuel appoints Israel’s first king. Samuel was a prophet and judge over Israel. This book vividly brings forth the sovereignty of Yahweh over all nations. This book focuses on the Davidic Covenant which points to Christ the true King of Israel.
This series of messages is a verse-by-verse exposition of the book of 1 Samuel by Jess Whetsel, a pastor at Kootenai Community Church. These messages were preached during our Sunday Morning Worship Service. Click here for more teaching by Jess Whetsel.
The Power of God’s Mercy, Part 2 (1 Samuel 7:8-17)
The text covers Samuel’s leadership as Judge over Israel, begins with God’s answer to the Sacrificial Offering and prayer for victory over the Philistines and the reestablishing of Israel’s borders and Samuel’s leadership role as Judge over Israel. An exposition of 1 Samuel 7:8-17.
The Power of God’s Mercy, Part 1 (1 Samuel 7:3-10)
The text brings Samuel back on the scene, he brings the Israelites together and calls upon them to repent and turn to back to Jehovah their God and He will deliver them. An exposition of 1 Samuel 7:3-10.
Who Can Stand Before this Holy God? (1 Samuel 6:15-7:2)
The men of Beth-shemis had violated The Ceremonial Laws regarding the oversight and protection of the Ark of the Covenant and God struck the people a great slaughter. An exposition of 1 Samuel 6:15-7:2.
The Ark Returns to Israel (1 Samuel 6:1-14)
The Philistines captured the Ark, and because they had taken the ark of the covenant, God had punished them with disease and affliction, each of the 5 cities that had the Ark. They return the ark to Israel out of fear of further consequences because of their sin. An exposition of 1 Samuel 6:1-14.
The Fall of the Philistine Idol (1 Samuel 5:1-12)
The text shows the consequences of the Philistines’ capture of the Ark of the Covenant. and the destroying of their Idol. They were all stuck with tumors and they decided to move the Ark from Ashdod to Gath. An exposition of 1 Samuel 5:1-12.
Glory Departed (1 Samuel 4:12-22)
Israel has been defeated in battle against the Philistines and the Ark of the Covenant has been taken. Eli dies and his daughter-in-law has a son who is named Ichabod. An exposition of 1 Samuel 4:12-22.
The Error of God’s People (1 Samuel 4:1-11)
Israel was in a sinful state and didn’t repent and seek Jehovah’s guidance before going into battle against the Philistines and suffered a great loss.
Jess Whetsel
Jess Whetsel was born and raised in Northern California. He married Marcia in 1965. They moved to Idaho with their two children in 1977. Jess was saved in 1977 through the ministry of Southside Community Church, Cocolalla, ID.
Jess and Marcia were discipled one-on-one for three years using a Bible School curriculum. He then taught Sunday School and was involved in a Prison Ministry, Bible studies, and discipleship. Jess was a cabinet maker by trade, and when construction slowed down in 1983, he moved his family to Hayden Lake. He became a lay pastor in a local church there for ten years.
After their two children were married, they moved back to the Sandpoint area. They began attending Kootenai Community Church in 2000. Jess has been active in teaching adult Sunday School, Bible Studies, and discipleship. Jess has been an elder at Kootenai Church since June 2003.
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