God has caused us to be born again
He has caused us to be born again. God has caused this – this was caused by God, not by the human will. Or do you have an Arminian Bible in your hands today – one that says, “Blessed be you who according to your own great and powerful free will caused you to be born again”? No! God worked this rescue. It is God who caused us to be born again.
And why? Because of His great mercy, because of His purpose in election, because of His foreknowledge, His foreordination, His eternal decree. In eternity past, He has chosen a people for Himself, individuals with names written in the book of life, permanently, never to be blotted out. All men are completely helpless and hopeless and need a rescue, need salvation, and He has graciously, mercifully chosen some for His family. These are His elect. In time, He effects the rescue by first regenerating His sheep, first changing the minds and hearts and affections, giving us an understanding of our sin and a righteous fear of God, that we might realize our need for a Savior and desire to commit our lives to the Savior. The thief on the cross goes from mocking Christ to defending Him and seeking His favor. Paul is changed in a moment on the road to Damascus. God has caused us to be born again. “Salvation is from the Lord.” Jonah 2:9.