Some of the questions from the first Q&A Session with Paul Taylor include:
- What biblical proof do we have that speaks to Jesus’ body being perfect like Adam before the fall? Would sickness and other ailments not have afflicted him?
- Do you know the number of times the New Testament references things found in Genesis?
- What are some of the most important areas of studies for homeschool teachers or Sunday School teachers?
- You mentioned the water canopy theory no longer being believed by most creation-science models, what other incorrect things do biblical creationists commonly believe?
- Do you make videos of evolution vs. creation for homeschools?
- Are we (Christians) related to those who don’t believe in God?
- What do evolutionists say about the layers of rock that have quickly formed in the canyons of Mount St. Helens?
- What is the motivation for Christians who promote old-earth creationism?
and more…