Haggai: Consider Your Ways

After 70 years of captivity, the Jewish exiles were freed by Cyrus the Great to return to Judah and rebuild their temple. Temple reconstruction and the worship of Yahweh was their priority, but they became distracted, apathetic, and self-concerned. Yahweh commissioned Haggai to rebuke the Jews, remind them of their priorities and to encourage them with the covenant promises of their God.

This series of messages is a verse-by-verse exposition of the book of Haggai by Jeff Miller. These messages were preached during our Sunday Morning Adult Sunday School. Click here for more teaching by Jeff Miller.

God’s Promise of Future Blessing (Haggai 2:10-19)

Haggai stresses the need for holiness in all of life and worship and concludes with God’s promise of blessing. An exposition of Haggai 2:10-19. | Download Workbook

Jeff Miller

Jeff Miller


Though not raised in a Christian home, Jeff came to faith in Christ as a young man and committed his life to the Lordship and service of his Savior. He was trained and employed in public health as a clinical microbiologist and later worked in the building industry. He met his wife, Penny, in college, and they were married for 35 years. They were blessed with three children they raised in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Penny went home to her Savior in 2007 after a long, brave battle with cancer.

Jeff’s greatest joy is serving Christ’s church by studying and teaching God’s Word. Given the myriad fads and doctrinal aberrations plaguing the contemporary evangelical landscape, he is particularly concerned that local churches return to a high view of Scripture to be grounded in sound theology and practice. Jeff enjoys family activities, cycling, woodworking, and the four seasons and outdoor life of North Idaho. He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and a member of the Evangelical Theological Society. Jeff has been an elder at Kootenai Church since July 2024.


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