We will be studying the book of Luke, using the three study guides outlined below. The co-authors are Hope Blanton and Christine Gordon.

Please have at least the first book in hand at the first meeting, on Thursday, September 7, at 6:30 p.m. at the church. The books are available now on Amazon and cost $11.99 each.

If you are not able to purchase these books online or have other questions for Lisa Slippy or Tammie Shields, please contact them using the form below.

Buy Luke: Part 1 | Buy Luke: Part 2 | Buy Luke: Part 3


This isn’t your average women’s Bible study!

First, we are overjoyed that you are interested in digging into the Word and learning. We will be studying the gospel of Luke this year. We are confident it will be an impactful study! We will all be growing in our understanding of WHO God is and WHAT He has done for us. This is NOT a social club, but rather a learning experience that also has fantastic fellowship and true sisterhood.


…of us—You can expect us to come prepared and ready to lead by God’s grace. We will also endeavor to keep our questions “safe”—we won’t ask or intimidate you to answer anything you are uncomfortable with. We will encourage all to participate in the discussions and try to help spread the opportunity to speak equally by redirecting when necessary. We will also try to keep good communication with you during the week as needed.

…of you—You are expected to have read the chapter and done the questions if you are wanting to share. However, please do not ever use the excuse that your lesson isn’t complete for not coming on Thursday. You will still learn
and glean a lot of information by listening to the others.

by His grace,

Lisa Slippy and Tammie Shields


Luke: Parts 1, 2, and 3

by Hope Blanton & Christine Gordon

Watch Jesus up close as he begins to reveal to his disciples, the crowds, and us the astonishing upside-down kingdom of God. Luke: Part 1 is a combination of Chris’s ability to unpack Scripture in deep, practical ways and Hope’s ability to create questions that guide the reader and apply God’s Word.

Questions? Contact Lisa and Tammie