There is an argument for creation that is powerful, conclusive and has no true rebuttal. As such, it is an irrefutable argument — an “ultimate proof” of the Christian worldview biblical creation. Learn more at The Biblical Science Institute. | WATCH...
There are many opinions and subsequent interpretations on the Book of Genesis. What did the author of Genesis intend and how can we possibly know, or is the important thing only what the Bible “means to you?” Learn more at The Biblical Science Institute. |...
What does the Bible have to say about astronomy? Does the science of the cosmos support a big bang and billions of years, or does it confirm biblical creation? We are told that light from distant galaxies takes billions of years to reach earth, but is this really...
Creation or evolution? This debate is one of the most vital issues of our time. It is extremely important for all people to know the truth about origins. The Christian especially needs to know the truth of the Genesis account of creation. Learn more at The Biblical...