How does salvation work according to Rome? What role does purgatory play? Does Rome still teach indulgences? Download the PDF Syllabus | Purchase the workbook The 40 Most Influential Christians Who Shaped What We Believe (Amazon//Kindle//iBooks)
One week before Passover Jesus and His disciples emerged from seclusion and He publicly rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Why did Jesus come to Jerusalem at that time of year and why was it necessary for Him to come in such a public way? We will explore these...
Tonight’s study will briefly examine “The Mass,” explaining the process and why it is an essential and unreformable part of Roman Catholic theology. Download the PDF Syllabus | Purchase the workbook The 40 Most Influential Christians Who Shaped What...
Learn why we are deeply indebted to this strange and unfamiliar practice. How did monasticism prepare the world to move from the relative darkness of the Middle Ages to the glorious light of the Reformation? Download Handout (Order of Decrees & Causes of the Fall...
In this lesson, we will briefly survey five responsibilities of wives and mothers and the practical impact they can have on their families so that we might celebrate and honor them as precious gifts from God. Sermon Transcript Download PDF So we arrive this morning...